Review of LEGOLAND California Resort in San Diego | Kids Out and About Kansas City

Review of LEGOLAND California Resort in San Diego

by Meg Brunson

My kids like LEGOs, but they aren't as obsessed as many of our friends. While LEGOLAND looked fun, I wondered if they would be excited to visit even though they are casual LEGO fans. Well, let me tell you: They loved it.  And guess what?  Now they are those kids that are obsessed with LEGOs, too!  And honestly, I think it's great - because there is so much to learn in a LEGO - from math to science... but that is a whole other story.  Today, let me tell you about LEGOLAND California!

The best thing we did in preparation for our trip was to download the App and check out the FAQs and "Know Before you Go" on the website.  When we parked our car we were able to use the App to mark where we parked using GPS, which made finding the car simple when we were ready to go.  There is nothing like walking up and down the rows searching for your car before finally resorting to pressing the "panic" button just so you can follow the sound of the beeps (or is that just me?).

We did not bring our double stroller with us to San Diego, because for the most part we can get by pushing our 3-year-old in the lightweight single stroller and back-carrying the toddler in our Tula, and we didn't have room in the car.  We decided that renting a double stroller would make this attraction easier - and I definitely think it did.  The stroller made it convenient for the little ones to get up and down when needed to play or stretch their legs, plus it gave us room to hold all our souvenirs!

The park was the perfect size for our children.  There were plenty of attractions that my 9 & 5-year-old were able to enjoy alone or with a grown up.  Unlike some other amusement parks we've visited, there were few (if any) rides the older children were unable to experience.  My younger 2 are not big fans of rides yet, so they actually prefer strolling with a snack to people watch, and they loved the play areas that were found throughout the park.

There were kiosks and corners of the park with soft-structured play equipment and large rubber bricks that the babies and toddlers could play with while older siblings waited in line - and even waiting in line there were play areas with bricks to occupy the kids while the parents held their places.  The App has a map so you can easily plan your day, find the closest restroom or dining area, and see estimated wait times for your favorite rides.

You do not have to be a LEGO connoisseur to appreciate the creativity that went into designing each ride.  Everything looks like it is straight out of a LEGO box.  The school-aged kids loved riding Lego horses at the Royal Joust and putting out fires at the Police and Fire Academy.  My pre-school/toddler kiddos especially loved DUPLO Playtown.

Finally, we all enjoyed a live performance by the LEGO Friends, and the Meet and Greet that followed.  The performers were all so kind and friendly, taking the time to interact and pose for photos with most (if not all) of the kids.

With so many live performances, shows, and special events (on top of all the rides and attractions), this is definitely an attraction that could be enjoyed over a multi-day visit, and knowing they have a hotel on site, it's something we'd like to look into when we plan our next SoCal trip. Whatever you do - if you are making the trip to LEGOLAND, don't forget SEA LIFE Aquarium.  

Find more information about planning the perfect LEGOLAND trip, click here

For updated ticket information, click here. 

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© 2017,

Meg Brunson, a mother of four, is Phoenix editor of
