Personal training, youth sports, Kids Night Out, martial arts,tumbling and home school P.E. are also offered. Community programming includes GED class (registration through KCMO School District), Birthday Party/Room Rentals, Sewing Club and Family Fun Nights. If you're interested in more information, please contact the Welcome Center.
We offer gymnastics lessons for girls & boys ages 12 mo. to 17 yrs & dance lessons for kids age 4+.
Our Eagles designed Levels system of teaching gymnastics ensures steady success and skill acquisition.
Our safety certified coaches teach with two primary goals in mind - to teach gymnastics skills, flexibility and coordination and to have FUN!
Flipzone is a family owned and operated gym that is dedicated to the overall development of young children and teens into well rounded athletes. We believe that every child can benefit from gymnastics training, even if they never intend to develop into a highly competitive gymnast, and we have 22 years of experience to back that up!
Integrity Gymnastics offers a wide range of classes from beginner gymnastics all the way to adult hip-hop classes, and also offers birthday party specials along with reservations for special events. It even has its own dance studio for kids and adults alike!
Our six-week session classes introduce kids and teens (ages 7-18) to aerial silks, trapeze, and other circus skills in a supportive, fun environment. Students build strength, coordination, and confidence while progressing at their own pace. Beginner-
McCracken’s Gymnastics offers a number of activities designed to develop and stimulate children and youth both physically and mentally. For thirty years, our facilities have been busy six days a week, nearly every week of the year. These are the activities which will provide lifelong benefits to our communities kids.
Gymnastics ages 15 months to 18 years - recreational and competitive.
Tumbling, Cheer , Tramp and Tumbling, Field trip events and an academic preschool - Shining Stars
Our structured, age-appropriate classes incorporate fitness, music, dance, puppets, relays, games, gymnastics, sports, and other original activities. The most important benefit we offer, however, is the building of confidence and self-esteem.
Through unique programs that revolve around active play, we complement and enhance the traditional school experience - even before kids are school age! We give children a safe and inspiring space to direct their energy, build confidence, and develop.